Thank you for visiting Adventures in New York (formally Family Adventures in New York State!) My husband and I began Family Adventures in 2014 as a way to share our love of our home state with the world. We are both native New Yorkers, born and raised in Western New York. When our children were little, we would search for places to go with them that were fun and unique. The idea to create our website came from friends who would watch our “family adventures” posted on social media and encourage us to share our road trips and adventures with others.
Our kids are no longer little, but they still enjoy embarking on our family adventures, and we love bringing those adventures to you. We get such pleasure in personally visiting each destination and then sharing honest and detailed articles about these incredible and unique places in our beautiful state with you, our readers.
Why I Do What I Do
I am very passionate about my adventures. I eagerly look forward to the weekends when my husband and I can get out and explore together. We have such a great time exploring our beautiful state. I love hiking, seeing waterfalls, kayaking, being in nature, camping, or enjoying a delicious meal; these experiences bring me great joy. I know I have a blast adventuring; I want other people to have that same experience as well.
I’m not a professional photographer. Not even close, but I’m always learning. I take pictures for the sheer enjoyment and art of it. Adventures in New York isn’t a business; it’s our passion project. We don’t have an office staff, writers, social media coordinators, etc.; it’s just the two of us doing what we love.
Fun Fact: Although we are no longer called “Family Adventures,” my family still gets involved. You might notice, as you meander through my website, photo credits to different individuals. These are various members of my family.
There are a lot of great New York State travel websites out there, and I hope you will take the time to visit each of them. You will find that although we all are covering New York State, we each bring our own unique perspective, talent, and approach to each destination we write about. However, we all have the same goal, helping you, the explorer, get the most out of your travels.
Please feel free to reach out to us with questions or comments or just to let us know what adventures you enjoyed the most. We would love to see your adventures and hear your thoughts. Please reach us at: Info@adventuresny.com
Looking forward to adventuring with you!
~Kim & Adam ~ Adventures in New York
We never recommend trespassing, breaking the law, or putting your personal safety in jeopardy. This website is only a guide based on our own experience.
We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.
The majority of the time, we make it a point never to tell anyone, at any restaurant, any destination, or accommodation, that we are Adventures in New York. We feel it is vital that we have the same experience that you would have when visiting.
Out and About With Nova ~ NYS From a Dog’s Perspective

Nova is, as you may have noticed, a very important part of our Adventures In New York family. I guess you could say she is another one of our kids, but a furry one. While all our endeavors have always been for family adventures (for the most part anyway), like many of you out there, we consider our dog to be part of our family, so we wouldn’t dream of leaving her behind. With that in mind, we have tried to tailor many of our adventures to include her.
About Nova

Nova is a Cinnamon Chow Chow (born 7-2-2021). She is our 3rd Chow Chow (but our first Cinnamon Chow.) Her favorite things are peanut butter, hiking, camping, playing in the water, and getting cuddles. She is an avid squirrel watcher and the self-appointed leader of the neighborhood watch (not a leaf or snowflake shall fall within her domain without her knowing about it and giving us a full and detailed report.)

Nova loves getting out and exploring New York State almost as much as we do. We hope to bring you a lot more dog-friendly adventures in the future as we hit the trails and enjoy the great outdoors with Nova by our side.