New York State is filled with state forests, which are excellent recreation areas for nature enthusiasts; offering trails for hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, and even snowmobiling. However, some of these state forests offer visitors a little something extra, such as Allen Lake State Forest, where there is a beautiful lake and a stunning hidden waterfall.
Hidden Falls

It is more than just the waterfall that makes this area incredibly beautiful. The wide chasm walls of the creek create a unique and almost prehistoric setting for a place of almost complete tranquility.

The hike to the falls is about 1.5 miles. The trail is marked with blue markers and blue blazes on the trees, every few feet. The path is narrow and twists and turns quite a bit. The trail markers are sometimes hard to spot, so it is easy to lose the trail from time to time. The trail climbs in and out of several creek beds as well as travels along a ridge.

When you get to the ridge overlooking the waterfall, the trail markers disappear. It is impossible to get into the creek without hiking down the ravine a bit. If you want to get down into the creek to see the waterfall properly, follow the cliffside down to your left, and the hillside will slope downward, and create a safe entrance to the creek. It is an extremely steep hike down to the ravine.

You will then need to hike back towards the falls. The creek is surrounded by the high wall of the ravine, which is truly breathtaking. We visited after a dry summer and the falls were still flowing. There is a deep pool under the falls, while amazingly clear, doesn’t appear big enough to swim in. Of course, the creek was nearly dry, so when it is really flowing, this could very well be a fantastic place to cool off.

Allen Lake

The 58-acre lake, the namesake of this state forest, is a beautiful destination for more than fishing and paddling. We hiked around the lake, and while having to make up the trail as we went in parts, it was a lovely hike through the different habitats that surround the lake.

The leaves had recently begun to turn when we visited and it was exquisitely beautiful surveying the varying shades of red, orange, and yellow on the lakeside. If you should decide to hike around the lake, as I mentioned, in places there is no defined trail.

It is possible to hike around the lake, as long as you keep the lake insight. There were places, due to the mashy conditions near the water, that forced us to retreat further away from the Lake. Fortunately, the lake is surrounded by old pine forests, and hikers can hike through with only minor obstructions from the branches.


Allen Lake is a popular fishing destination. The DEC stocks the lake with brown trout and brook trout annually. There is a floating pier that allows access to everyone of all abilities.

Paddling & Boating

Allen Lake is the perfect lake for paddling and boating. There is a boat launch in close proximity to the parking lot. Only electric motors are permitted on Allen Lake.

Primitive Camping

Primitive camping is permitted within Allen Lake State Park as long as guests camp at least 150 feet away from the roads, trails, and bodies of water. Camping around or near Allen Lake is prohibited.