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Hidden away in the City of Canandaigua is an 18-acre parcel of land that leads visitors to stretches of beach on Canandaigua Lake. This is a great destination to enjoy the beauty of the Lake, get a great view of Skenoh Island (formerly called Squaw Island), launch a kayak, or just enjoy a quiet picnic on the beach.

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The Trail

The trail that leads down from the parking lot to the first small beach is barely 1/4 of a mile. It is wide enough for two people to walk next to each other; however, once you reach the first beach, the trail becomes extremely narrow and overgrown in places.

While the trail isn’t completely flat, it doesn’t have much of a grade, making it easy on the knees. At one point in the trail, there are wooden steps that prevent this from being wheelchair accessible. Keep your eyes out for poison ivy, which was prevalent in spots along the side of the trail when we visited.

As you get closer to the lake, you will notice wetland areas on the side of the trail. It was not very buggy when we visited, but I have heard depending on the elements, it can be.


The Beach

There are several openings in the woods at the end of the trail, which open onto (for lack of a better term) beach areas. While the sign at the top of the trail clearly states that swimming is prohibited, it says nothing about wading. This area also is a nice place to have a picnic and enjoy a stunning view of Canandaigua Lake and Skenoh Island. (Please remember that this is a carry-in/carry-out park.)


The town lists this as a kayak/canoe launch site, but I honestly can’t see someone dragging their kayak all the way down the trail to launch it when there are so many easier spots to launch around the Lake. I could, however, see it used as a place to rest and stretch your legs while paddling Canandaigua Lake.

Out and About with Nova

Dogs are permitted at Atwater Meadows Park as long as they are leashed. This is a quick walk down and back, but Nova enjoyed it immensely, especially when we reached the beaches. Again, there is a great deal of poison ivy along the trail, so if you have to move off the trail with your dog to give other hikes space, be mindful of where you step. As always, please clean up after your pets.

Getting to Atwater Meadows Park

767 West Lake Drive, Canandaigua

Google Map Link

Have you visited Atwater Meadows Park? What did you think of it? We would love to hear from you. Please leave us a comment below.

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1 Comment

  1. This is my favorite place that I found quite by accident… I go down trail every morning without fail to the lake. truly I have never experienced such peace and tranquility. it is a very special place for me

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