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Hamlin Beach State Park

I am a native New Yorker and after spending 40+ years dealing with our annual snowfall, winter is something that you just learn to accept and try to make it through. Once my childhood was behind me and winter driving was part of my life, I almost dreaded what felt like the longest season of the year.

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That was until I started this website and began exploring it in the wintertime. Once we got out and started exploring in the wintertime, I was astonished to discover that I actually love winter in New York. There is so much beauty that I had failed to notice and getting out into nature to see the unique colors and landscapes that winter brings.

Obviously, this list is far from complete. As we travel throughout the state we will add more destinations. We have lots of ground to cover. So, please check back often.

Click on the names of the destination for more information about each of these places. Have fun and stay warm!

Please make sure that when enjoying these beautiful winter destinations you dress warmly, wear proper footwear, and be conscious of your surroundings. When exploring near the ice, always be cautious and don’t take any unnecessary risks. If you plan on doing a lot of winter hiking, I recommend purchasing microspikes or yaktrax.

Ice Cleats Traction Snow Grips for Hiking and Walking

Don’t let the ice and snow stop you from enjoying the breathtaking beauty of winter. These traction grips help outdoor adventurers explore icy terrain safely.

Frozen Lakeshores

Southwick Beach State Park

Nowhere is the beauty and sheer might of winter demonstrated like the Lakeshores of New York State. These frozen lakeshores are some of our favorite wintertime destinations. The ice and snow combine to make elaborate ice formations along the shore, and the lake power of the waves creates massive ice volcanoes and ice balls. Melting snow creates massive ice pancakes on the water.

Warning: These lakeshores can be exceptionally beautiful and exceptionally dangerous. When exploring the shore of these lakes, beware of your surroundings and never walk out onto the ice shelf. Explore at your own risk.

Along Lake Ontario

Along Lake Erie

The Finger Lakes Region

Central Region

Winter Hiking & Snowshoeing

Just because the temperatures have dropped and there is snow on the ground doesn’t mean that getting out and enjoying nature is out of the question. In fact, winter adds a new face to familiar landscapes, painting well-known scenery with a new look and fresh appearance. These parks are great for not only hiking but snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.

Allegany Region

Buffalo/Niagara Region

Central Region
Finger Lakes Region

Thousand Islands Region

Winter Waterfall

Waterfalls in winter are absolutely gorgeous. The way the ice and snow freeze them creates monumental cascading formations. This is probably my favorite part of winter, seeing these incredibly exquisite works of natural art. New York State is full of waterfalls that each winter will freeze, at least partially, and with cold enough temperatures, freeze completely.

Buffalo/Niagara Region

Central Region

Finger Lake Region

Thousand Island Region

What is your favorite winter destination? Do prefer hiking to snowshoeing? Or are you a winter waterfall chaser? We want to hear about your winter adventures. Leave us a comment below.

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