Bucktail Falls is a roadside waterfall. It can be easily viewed from the comfort of your car or by a very short walk. This waterfall was particularly alluring in the winter because the water runs off the tall rock walls surrounding the falls and creates a curtain of ice that runs along the face of the rock. It is breathtaking. Honestly, this waterfall is beautiful at any time of year. We revisited it in the Fall and it was just beautiful but in a whole new way.
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Visiting Bucktail Falls

You don’t have to get out of your car to catch a glimpse of Bucktail Falls. You can see it from the bridge (please be considerate of other vehicles, and try to be quick. Please don’t cause a traffic jam.)

There is a trail from the small parking area that leads right up to the base of the falls. You can get super close to this waterfall. The high walls that surround the falls, add majestic rustic beauty to this already lovely spot. This is a truly picturesque spot.
While this is on private property, the owner has permitted visitors access to the falls and has not posted the land. Please respect their generosity and show appreciation when visiting by always LEAVING NO TRACE.

Winter at Bucktail Falls

I love visiting waterfalls and I’m especially fond of winter waterfalls when the falls are frozen into majestic ice formations. Fortunately, I live in this beautiful state, where there is no shortage of waterfalls. Bucktail Falls is particularly enchanting in the Winter.

The waterfall itself created a small cave of ice. It was amazing to look inside behind the ice. This is the stuff I really love about winter. A Note of Caution: This area can be slippery, so we don’t recommend entering the ice cave.
The trail here can be icy. Even though the trail is extremely short, it is a good idea to wear microspikes or yaktrax here.

Ice Cleats Traction Snow Grips for Hiking and Walking
Don’t let the ice and snow stop you from enjoying the breathtaking beauty of winter. These traction grips help outdoor adventurers explore icy terrain safely.

You will definitely need to wear boots here. The trail is not groomed, so you will be trampling through snow, or in some cases mud, depending on when you visit.

Getting To Bucktail Falls

Parking is an issue at Bucktail Falls. There is a very small parking area that will only accommodate one or two cars at best. In the winter, if it has snowed, the area isn’t kept plowed so visitors have to park on the side of the road on a three-way intersection. In order to be respectful to the residents that live around the waterfall, please try to keep your visit short and sweet, so as to not inconvenience any of the residents or other visitors.
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