New York State has so many beautiful waterfalls but many of these gorgeous falls are only full at certain times of the year, such as the Spring from the winter runoff and after heavy rainfall. County Line Falls is one of these waterfalls. However, when the falls are flowing they are stunning. What is great about this destination is that visitors can see two glorious waterfalls.
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The Trail from the trailhead to the Upper Falls is a mostly flat and easy hike. If you proceed down the hill to see the Lower Falls, there are two ways to take this on. One is to try to descend into the gully by rope. This is dangerous and should only be attempted by experienced hikers. Also, climbing out this way is hard. The other is to follow the trail that runs along the ravine all the way down to the road. From the road, you can climb down into the gully and then walk up the creek to the falls. The walk back up the hill isn’t a picnic but it is a lot easier than trying to climb out out of the gully.
This is State Land that is bordered by private land. Remember to stick to the trails and respect all posted signs. As always, please remember to leave no trace and pick up after your animals and yourself.

Upper Falls

This section of County Line Falls makes a great hiking destination for just about anyone. The falls are easy to view and don’t require any real physical exertion. You can see them quite easily from the edge. If you want to get a closer look, you can climb down by rope, although this isn’t an easy feat.

You can get a feeling for the flow of the Lower Falls from the state of the Upper Falls. Unfortunately, this waterfall isn’t always flowing. In fact, if you want to make sure that it is flowing, plan your trip for springtime, after the snow melts, or after it rains. We visited in the summer for the first time, and the falls were barely a trickle. We had better luck in the spring. The trail is muddier, but the falls are at least pretty.

Lower Falls

The Lower Falls are a little harder to get to. Unless you are a sturdy and agile hiker, I wouldn’t recommend trying to climb down to see them. If you are up for the hike, they are very pretty and worth the climb. If the falls aren’t flowing, it probably isn’t worth it.
Please note: If you decide to climb the falls, you do so at your own risk. We do not encourage people to climb the falls and put their physical safety at risk.
One of the neat things we found when we climbed down to the waterfall was the creek had tons of salamanders in it. My kids had a great time finding these critters. If you do plan to climb down to the Lower Falls, be sure to wear long pants and check yourself for ticks after your hike. This area also has a lot of poison ivy.

Wintertime at County Line Falls

County Line Falls is great to visit in the winter. The trail to the upper falls is flat and easy to walk, even snowshoe, in the winter. (It can be very muddy if the snow is melting, so wear boots.) Wintertime is when these falls really shine because what water does flow over the falls freezes and builds up, creating beautiful frozen waterfalls.

Getting to County Line Falls
Located on Johnson Hill Rd, in Springwater, NY (Just off of Route 15A).
Google Map Link
Have you visited these waterfalls? What did you think? Do you have a favorite New York State waterfall? We would love to hear from you. Leave us a comment below.
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