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Located on part of the Lake Ontario Seaway Trail, there is a 25-mile portion that is one of the most beautiful stretches of highway in New York, especially in the spring. Depending upon the arrival of the warm Spring weather, typically May through Early June, the orchards that line both sides of the road blossom into a gorgeous display of pink and white flowers.

Did you know that Wayne County is the larger apple-producing county in New York State? This is one of our favorite drives to take, especially in the spring, when thousands of trees burst out in beautiful flower blooms. It is a unique drive because of the stunning views of Lake Ontario and the giant span orchards that flank the road on both sides. In some places, it seems like the orchards go on forever.

This area along the Lake is famous for miles and miles of orchards filled with apple, cherry, and Peach trees. Although these trees rarely bloom simultaneously, the cherry and peach blossoms usually bloom first, followed by the apple trees.

How to Get There

Traveling down Lake Rd (beginning at County Line Rd in the town of Ontario) and drive almost all the way to Sodus Point. Shortly before reaching Sodus Point take a right on North Geneva Road for an even more spectacular display of blossoms.

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