Just visible from the road, This hidden relic from the past is like walking among ancient ruins. We often like to go out for a drive and just kind of “get lost.” I know you can never really get lost with GPS but we just like to take random back roads and see where they take us. On this day, we found ourselves in Allegany County. This is a truly lovely part of New York. There is a great number of different water sources such as lakes, creeks, and rivers. The Genesee River is the main water feature of this area.

As we were driving along Route 243 towards the Town of Caneadea (about 4 miles from the town), we came upon this cluster of old railroad piers standing out in the woods (on the left-hand side). It was strange seeing them standing alone without anything attached to them. Huge concrete piers, looking for all the world like strange stone monuments. We were so intrigued, we turned around. These were just too cool not to explore and get a closer look.

Just past the guardrail, there is an open area, that had enough should for us to pull over. I don’t know if anyone owns this land. Seeing as it was a railroad at one time, I think it is probably not privately owned, but don’t quote me on that. Given the obvious path down, it didn’t appear like we were the first people to come and explore this area. We walked down to the bottom where there was a tiny steam. The way the weeds were mowed down, I am fairly certain that this area is underwater at some point during the year. However, when we visited, there was only a small creek running through the brush.

Although the creek is quite narrow, the mud on its banks is rather slippery and soft. If you aren’t wearing boots, I wouldn’t try walking out to the piers. I jump the creek only to sink ankle-deep in mud. Yeah! Good times! Fortunately, my boots were very waterproof and I could wash some of the mud off in the creek. I know, why did I jump the creek to start with? Honest answer…I have no idea. I ended up in the creek regardless to wash off my boots. What can I say, I don’t always think these things through. 🙂

Once across the creek, it is a quick walk to the piers, and let me tell you, they are quite impressive and much larger than you imagine. It seems like you might be able to climb them when looking down from the top of the hill. Up close and in person, you realize this probably isn’t a good idea. Many of them are beginning to crumble and don’t seem very safe to climb. Nonetheless, it is incredible to walk around them. I was like standing among giant statues.

This was definitely a cool discovery and a fun little hike. It really makes you wonder what the world was like when this railroad was being built and how astonishing it is that these piers are still standing here all these years later.