Camping is one of the most enjoyable ways to bond as a family and get close to nature. We have rounded up a few tips and tricks that will help to make your camping trip more entertaining and relaxed.
Glow Bracelets/Necklaces for Tent Lighting

We discovered a cheap yet effective way to add a dim light to your tent. Using glow bracelets or necklaces and hanging them from the top of your tent, you can create a pleasant illumination. The light glow is dim enough to allow sleep but light enough to see around your tent. The light is also dim enough not allow people on the outside to see through into your tent. These can be purchased at your local dollar store.
Easy Fire Starter-Lint in Toilet Paper Roll

This is a cheap and easy way to help get that campfire started. I know this can be one of those frustrating chores. While everyone loves a campfire, getting one started is another story. Collect drier lint and stuff it into empty toilet paper rolls, place the rolls under small kindling to start a fire easily.
Homemade Waterproof Match Container

Nothing is worse than wanting to start a campfire and discovering that your matches are soaking wet and can’t be used. This handy little hack will save you a ton of trouble. Use a clean plastic baby food container, cut a small piece of sandpaper and glue it to the top. The container is the perfect size to fit the matches in and will keep the matches completely dry.
Color Changing Fire

The kids just go crazy over this one and I have to admit that I love it too! Who knew that changing the color of the flames in your fire would be so exciting? Sometimes you can find the packets of Mystical Flames at the camp store in the state parks.
Foam Playmats for Tent Floor

Remember those foam playmats we all had for our little toddlers, the ones where the letters and numbers popped out. Believe it or not, these can be re-purposed. These make an excellent floor for your tent. They are lightweight and easy to transport.
Deodorant for Mosquito Bite Itch

When camping, the only thing worse than being eaten by a bear is being bitten by mosquitoes. Nothing can cut the fun of a camping trip short like being eaten alive by a swarm of mosquitoes or some other biting insect. An antidote to an itchy bite is rubbing deodorant over the bite.
Jiffy Pop

One of my favorite camping treats is Jiffy Pop. I don’t know what it is but I just love the way this popcorn tastes when it’s cooked over a fire. Jiffy pop is perfect for cooking over a campfire. It is delicious and fun to share around the fire. Word of caution, make sure an adult cooks the popcorn. This is a place where kids can get easily burned.
Use Corn Chip as Kindling

You get to your campsite and suddenly you realize that you don’t have your Lint Toilet Paper Roll fire starters or any paper for that matter. Good thing you brought the nachos! Corn chips make excellent kindling. ole!
Burn Sage to Keep Bugs Away

Keeping those pesky mosquitoes away can seem like a hopeless task, especially if you are trying to avoid chemicals. Throwing sage into the fire will keep away the bugs, thus making your evening around the campfire that much more fun (not to mention adding a pleasant fragrance to the air).
We hope these help to make your camping trip more enjoyable and fun.