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Ithaca Falls is one of over 150 waterfalls within a 10-mile radius of the City of Ithaca, and it was the one I was most looking for to seeing. This waterfall is massive and flows nearly full all year round. This is a breathtaking waterfall that shouldn’t be missed.

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The Falls

Standing at 150 feet tall and with a width of 175 feet wide, this is one of the most stunning of all the waterfalls in the Ithaca area. Visitors can get extremely close to this waterfall while remaining, for the most part, dry. (There is a mist from the falls that can reach visitors when the wind is right.) Swimming at the falls is prohibited, but we did see people walking in the creek and enjoying the cool water.

When we visited on a sunny Sunday afternoon, I was worried that the park might be crowded; I was happy to discover that it wasn’t at all. We were able to take our time and enjoy the serene beauty of this lovely destination.

This is a great waterfall to use as a backdrop for senior pictures or wedding photos.


The Trail

The trail here couldn’t be any easier for people to enjoy. It is flat for the majority of the less than the 1/4 miles walk. This is a really picturesque spot. There are places to sit and appreciate the lovely scenery spread amongst the chiseled gorge walls and the gorgeous creek bed. The trail at Ithaca Falls is fantastic and accessible to everyone. I fell in love with this charming trail. The way the trees and rocks work together to create an oasis of peace and solitude is amazing.

Winter at Ithaca Falls

Every frozen waterfall is gorgeous but there was just something special about this waterfall half frozen and half flowing. It might have been that despite it being a sunny Sunday afternoon, we had the entire place to ourselves. Winter usually does that to our favorite destinations; we usually don’t have to compete to see many of New York’s spectacular sights in the wintertime. However, considering this waterfall is in the heart of the city of Ithaca, you would think there would be more people out and about. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining.)

One thing that might explain the lack of visitors is the extremely slippery path. The trail at Ithaca Falls was one giant sheet of ice. Anyone wanting to visit the falls needs to be exceptionally careful or have microspikes or yaktrax for traction. (In the Winter, we always wear microspikes, which have saved my clumsy ass more time than I can count.)

Ice Cleats Traction Snow Grips for Hiking and Walking

Don’t let the ice and snow stop you from enjoying the breathtaking beauty of winter. These traction grips help outdoor adventurers explore icy terrain safely.

Out and About with Nova

Ithaca Falls is a leashed dog-friendly destination but don’t take our word for it. Let’s hear what Nova thought about this beautiful waterfall.

“Ithaca Falls was my first big outing. I really loved the creek. There were lots of places to get my feet wet without having to get soaked. The rushing noise of the waterfall scared me a little bit at first, but after a few minutes, I got used to it. I think I like big waterfalls now. I saw another doggo, but there was so much room for us to spread out; I didn’t need to worry that he was so much bigger than me.

Don’t forget when you go out adventuring with your human to make sure they clean up after you and leave it beautiful for all of us!”

Getting to Ithaca Falls

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