I have always deeply loved animals and enjoy seeking out every opportunity to interact with them. It was such a delightful surprise to discover that Lively Run Dairy offered the unique experience of bottle-feeding baby goats. This opportunity resonated with me immediately, and I eagerly signed up to participate.

As our children have grown older, they have become less enthused about joining us on our adventures. However, the prospect of bottle-feeding baby goats had them both excited and motivated to wake up early and participate. It was a heartwarming and memorable moment for our family.

Explore Lively Run Dairy

This family-owned dairy has been in operation since 1982; the current owners took over in 1995. They have perfected the art of making authentic artisanal cheese from only all-natural ingredients. Guests are welcome to visit the farm to feed the goats (bags of organic corn are available for purchase) and take part in cheese tastings. They also have different programs available throughout the Spring and Fall for visitors to interact with the goats.

Bottle Feed Baby Goat

Between May and July, visitors can sign up online to bottle-feed the farm’s baby goats. This was an incredible experience; my family got a kick out of it. We arrived early and were able to go into the barn and meet all the goats. The owner, Susanne Messmer, came in and gave us instructions on how to feed the goat and told us a little bit about the goats and the farm. We were then each handed a leashed baby goat to walk to the special enclosure.

Once in the enclosure, we were handed a bottle and told to spread out and feed our baby goat. I want to spare you the disillusionment that I had going into this. The only thing I have ever bottle-fed in my life was a human, so I imagined in my head this would be fairly similar. Not even close. As soon as the baby goat saw the bottle, his one mission was to devour it in the most ravenous manner I’ve ever seen. It took the babies absolutely no time to suck down a full bottle of milk. I am not even sure they were breathing during it.

Thankfully, this experience involved more than just bottle-feeding. Susanne spent the rest of the time teaching us about goats and their behavior. We ran with the goats and watched them play. It was so much fun! Susanne told us that these goats are not just goats; they are her kids, and I can absolutely see that. The way she talks not only about them but also talks to them, there is great affection there and it is clearly reciprocated.

Goat Yoga

Take your yoga to the next level—and when I say next, I mean a fun one. From May through July, enjoy practicing yoga with adorable baby goats before they become too big to climb on. If you’ve ever seen baby goats play, you’ll understand why this is an amazing experience.
Take a Goat for a Walk

Here is something everyone will love…From July through October, you can take a goat for a walk! Enjoy a leisurely walk with a leashed goat as it explores and snacks on the grass.
Lively Run also offers group tours for up to 50 people. The tour includes a cheese tasting, a visit to the barn, seeing the goats, and interacting with them.

Cheese Tasting

We loved our cheese tasting. We did the deluxe board, which was fantastic. It included a mixture of goat and cow cheeses, crackers, bread, some meat, beer mustard, and jam. It was delicious and enough for the four of us to share. You can make alterations to the tastings if you don’t like or can eat goat or cow cheese.
Like the cheeses? You can buy it in the gift shop along with other souvenirs such as t-shirts, skin care products (goat milk is excellent for your skin!), and even locally sourced ice cream.

Getting to Lively Run Dairy

Address: 8978 Co Rd 142, Interlaken, NY