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I have become a big fan of wine slushies. While there are over 100 wineries spread out among the Finger Lakes, only a few wineries offer these delicious libations, and we are always on the lookout for the ones that do. We were instantly intrigued with Lucas Vineyards not only because they serve wine slushies, but Lucas Vineyards was the first winery established on Cayuga Lake.

(Full Disclosure-We make it a point to never tell anyone at any restaurant that we are Adventures in New York because we want to have the same experience you would have when visiting.)

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Wine Slushies and Fantastic Customer Service

They may not be as sophisticated as wine, but wine slushies are just yummy and so refreshing on a hot summer day. The wine slushies at Lucas Vineyards were among the best slushies we had ever had.

What I liked the most about Lucas Vineyards was that we were greeted the moment we walked through the door. A friendly staff member welcomed us and asked if we had ever visited before. Upon telling her that this was our first visit, she gave us a little history and told us about the different beverages available for tasting.

We were quick to tell her we were after some wine slushies. This vineyard was the only one to date that offered us the opportunity to sample the wine slushies before deciding which one we wanted, which was helpful. Like many of the vineyards we’ve visited, Lucas offered wine slushies in souvenir tumblers or disposable cups. While the souvenir tumblers are more expensive than the disposable cup, they are larger and can be refilled whenever you revisit for $10. Of all the refillable tumblers I’ve purchased from the different wineries, the tumbler I got from Lucas Vineyards was my least favorite. However, I thought the message on it was cute.


Enjoying the Grounds

Guests are invited to either sit inside or enjoy the seating in the vineyard’s picturesque lawn and garden. It was a beautiful sunny day, so we plunked ourselves down in a few Adirondack chairs, where we could see Cayuga Lake in the distance. There is a lot of room to spread out here. The garden has some excellent spots perfect for capturing photos.

Lucas Vineyards is dog-friendly, and all well-behaved pooches are welcomed inside and on the grounds.

Gift Shop

Lucas Vineyards had a fantastic gift shop with something for everyone, such as T-shirts, jewelry, wine glasses, and home decor.

Getting to Lucas Vineyards

Address: 3862 County Road 150, Interlaken NY

Google Map Link

Other Places to Visit

Vanriper Conservation Area & Whitlock Preserve

On Cayuga Lake, we found this beautiful nature preserve. The VanRiper Conservation Area and Whitlock Nature Preserve is a small but enchanting stretch of forest that takes visitors down to the lakeshore.

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