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Wintertime can be tedious being stuck (more or less) inside. It is an excellent opportunity to be a little creative with the kids and help our feathered friends simultaneously. These are easy crafts that will inspire everyone to feed the birds.

Orange Bird Feeder

If you are into making homemade orange juice, you will have lots of empty orange halves lying around. This bird feeder is super easy to make and good for the environment.


  • Empty Orange Half
  • Twine
  • Bird Seed


Make sure that the orange half is cleaned out. Puncture four holes near the top and string the twine through it. Hang from a sturdy branch and fill with birdseed.

Milk Jug Bird Feeder

Milk jugs are pretty much a staple in every home. You can use a paper carton rather than a plastic one, but the paper carton probably won’t hold up. This craft is fun because it allows for a little more creativity. You can have the kids decorate the jug with paint, markers, or crayons. Adding their own personal touches makes this craft that much more individualized and fun.


  • Milk Jug
  • Twine
  • Popsicle Sticks or wood dowels
  • Sharp Scissors or Utility knife
  • Glue
  • Paints, Marker or Crayons (for decorating)
  • Bird seed


An adult cuts the hole in the middle of the milk jug and a hole for the perch (you can add more than one). Cut holes in the top of the jug to run the twine through. Glue the popsicle stick or dowel in place for the perch. Decorate and then fill with birdseed.

Pop Bottle Bird Feeder

Photo Courtesy of

This is another reasonably straightforward feeder. The wooden spoons add a neat little touch and perfect little perches.


  • 2-liter pop bottle
  • 2 wooden spoons
  • Utility knife
  • Eye hole screw
  • Twine
  • Bird seed


Using the utility knife, cut holes in the bottle for the wooden spoons. Make the holes large enough on the spoon end for some birdseed to spill out onto the spoons. Slip the spoons through each set of holes. Screw the eye hole screw into the lid of the pop bottle, and run the twine through the eye hole screw. Fill with birdseed and screw the cap on.

Egg Carton Bird Feeder

Another super easy craft needing very few materials. This craft works best with styrofoam egg cartons, but cardboard will also work. It will just not hold up as well.


  • Egg Carton
  • Twine
  • Bird seed


Cut an egg carton in half. Put holes in all corners, near the top, and string the twine through. Fill with birdseed. Easy peasy.

Tea Cup Bird Feeder

This is my favorite bird feeder on the list. You can get really creative with this, and hunting for your favorite teacup set can be a lot of fun. I recommend shopping at the Dollar Store or Dollar General. You can mix and match the saucer and cup to create an unusual and unique feeder.


  • Teacup and saucer
  • Superglue
  • heavy duty twine


Glue the teacup to the saucer on its side and string the twine through the handle and hang it by the handle. Fill with birdseed.

Do you have any good ideas for homemade bird feeders? Please share them with us. We want to hear from you. Please leave us a comment below.

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