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One of my favorite summer activities is creek hiking. It is a great way to cool off on a hot day, and my kids always have a fantastic time splashing in the water, looking for critters, and searching for interesting rocks. Maxwell Creek gave us a little bit of everything as we explored this creek that is listed as one of the top 10 Lake Ontario Tributaries.

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Maxwell Creek has two parking lot on either side of Lake Rd. They aren’t directly across the street from one another and offer very different experiences for those who visit. Visitors can easily hike both sections of Maxwell Creek in a single afternoon.

We recently revisited at the Maxwell Creek Fishing Access across the street to launch our kayaks. This lakeside part of Maxwell Creek is significantly deeper and perfect for kayaking.

Hiking Maxwell Creek

Both sections of Maxwell Creek have a dry trail to walk; the lakeside (from the parking area) is the only dry trail with lots of short little jaunts that lead out to the water of Maxwell Bay. If you follow the main trail to the end, you will come to a peninsula that jets out into the marshes of Maxwell Bay behind Lake Ontario. This is an excellent spot for watching wildlife. We were able to see a beaver swimming around when we visited.

The other side (creekside) has a dry path that follows the creek almost all the way to the end. However, the best hiking is getting down in the water and walking up the creek. There are several small waterfalls along the way, which are quite pretty and great photo opportunities.

Near the end of the creek is a large abandoned building. I am not sure what this building used to be, but it is clear that it has been abandoned for quite some time. We walked over to it to get a better look, but I would not recommend trying to go inside. Also, it is definitely difficult to get over to. This area of the creek and the land near the structure is exceptionally muddy, and the mud is thick and deep. The shoe losing kind of mud. (I ended up having to retrieve my shoe from the mud.)

If you are visiting Beechwood State Park, you can reach the upper end of the creek via trails in the park.

Kayaking Maxwell Creek to Lake Ontario

There is a short walk from the parking area to the water where you can put the kayaks into the water. The path is rather narrow, with high weeds on both sides, and it is difficult to see if anyone is coming toward you, especially when you are dragging a kayak.

Once you put in, it is a short paddle to Lake Ontario. This area is full of lily pads, which are stunning when in bloom. What was really cool about kayaking here was the wildlife. There were dragonflies literally everywhere. They kept landing on us as we paddled. We saw a group of swans as well, but we made sure to keep our distance. Swan can be very aggressive, especially when they are with their offspring. The ones we saw were definitely clocking us.

Beechwood State Park

Once you reach Lake Ontario, you can go right and kayak along the shore toward Sodus Point. The shoreline is beautiful, and If you are ambitious, you can kayak down and see the Sodus Point Lighthouse from the water.

If you decide to go left, you can kayak out in front of Beechwood State Park and enjoy an unspoiled view of the bluffs. We found a little cove between a few downed trees, parked our kayaks, and got out to explore the beach and swim. The perfect way to spend a hot summer day!

Fishing Maxwell Creek

This is a prime fishing location and one of the best places to catch brown trout. If you visit this creek during any particular “fishing season,” you will be sharing the creek with lots of fishermen. This tributary has a reputation for being a place to catch king salmon and steelhead under the right conditions.

The Lakeside section of Maxwell Creek has lots of little short trails off the main trail that lead to small secluded fishing spots along the shoreline. Even if you aren’t fishing, this is a great place to sit back and observe the abundant wildlife.


Both areas are located on Lake Rd, just west of Sodus Point.

Creekside Location – Google Map Link

Lakeside Location – Google Map Link

Other Places to Visit in the Area

Have you hiked or fished Maxwell Creek? What did you think? Did you see lots of wildlife? We would love to hear from you. Please leave us a comment below.

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