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Indian Lake Islands

Camping isn’t for everyone, but for those of us who love it, we are a passionate group of people about our favorite summer (spring, fall… for the seriously obsessed, winter.) activity. For those who love camping, there is an extreme version of this family fun activity…primitive camping (also known as backcountry, backwoods, or rustic camping.)

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Primitive camping is exactly what it sounds like, primitive. There are usually no toilet facilities, running water, or picnic benches. This is not always the case, but if you plan to try backwoods camping, you need to be prepared for the worse, so to speak. In addition to the lack of creature comforts, you usually have to hike or boat (with all of your food and equipment) to your campsite. However, if you are up for the challenge and will to rough it, rustic camping is an amazing experience and a chance to truly get away from it all.

Indian Lake Islands

Places to Rustic Camp in NY

Sonyea State Forest

We have found numerous places to primitive camp in New York. The amenities vary but for the most part, it is fairly minimal to none at all. However, the scenery at many of these destinations is phenomenal. Check back often, as we find more primitive camping destinations, we will add them here.

Sonyea State Forest

Sonyea State Forest

There are numerous designated campsites in this state forest. Some of these campsites are right off the dirt road and can be driven into. There are two other campsites along the creek, with a stunning view of small waterfalls, and wading pools. The campsites along the creek are well over a mile down the trail.


Finger Lakes National Forest

Finger Lakes National Forest

While there are several designated campgrounds, people can camp more or less anywhere in the National Forest.

Ossian State Forest

Ossian State Forest

There is a lovely pond in this state forest and there are 5 campfire rings, in various places around the pond. These are tent camping sites and you will need to walk into the campsites.

Sanford Lake

Sanford Lake

There are mixtures of campsites on this lovely lake. Some of the campsites will accommodate campers. The ones on the far side of Sanford Lake are walk-in only. This is a fantastic place to kayak, canoe, and fish.

Rock City State Forest

This is an amazing place to pitch a tent and appreciate the stunning beauty of the giant conglomerate rock formations throughout the forest. There are designated lean-tos not far from the heart of the rock formation.

Templar Falls in Sugar Hill State Forest

New York State has some incredible places and hidden gems, such as the gorgeous waterfall hidden in this state forest. What is even more impressive is the stunning campsite that sits just above it, providing campers with the ultimate camping experience.

Saranac Lake Islands

If you are willing to paddle a bit, (or better yet have a boat) there are some phenomenal campsites located around Saranac Lake, and on the islands within Saranac Lake. This destination requires reservations.

Indian Lake Islands

Indian Lake Islands is another rustic camping destination that requires visitors to boat or paddle to their campsite. There are a few sites that are drive-up but for the most part, all the campsites are spread out around the lake. This destination requires reservations.

Rules for Back Country Camping in NY From the DEC

Please note: specific land units in the Forest Preserve may have regulations that differ from the rules and guidelines listed below. For information about specific properties, visit our regulations page or contact the Regional DEC Office nearest the area of interest.

Campsite Selection

  • Primitive tent sites and lean-tos are available on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved. If you find a tent site or lean-to with no people or gear, then you can camp there.
  • If not using a designated primitive tent site, your tent must be at least 150 feet from a water body, road, or trail. Do not camp in areas posted with “Camping Prohibited.”
  • Camping for more than three nights or with 10 or more people requires a permit from a Forest Ranger. Call 518-897-1300 to get the name and contact information for the local ranger. Please observe all State Land Camping and Hiking Rules.
  • Black bears are present throughout the Adirondacks and Catskills. Campers should store all food, garbage and toiletries in a bear-resistant canister or food hang. Bear-resistant canisters are required in the Eastern High Peaks Wilderness.

Lean-To Use

  • Tents are not allowed inside lean-tos and must be at least 150 feet from the lean-to.
  • Lean-tos are available on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved.
  • It is proper etiquette to share your tent site for one night if a second camper or group of campers arrives after dark, especially when it is raining, cold or windy. In the morning, the second group should pack up and leave to look for another location.
  • Lean-tos should be shared by multiple parties until filled to capacity (normally 8 people). These situations are rare, but can happen in heavily used areas, such as the Eastern High Peaks Wilderness.

Fire Safety at Campsites

  • Check out a short video about how to build a safe campfire on DEC’s YouTube channel (leaves DEC website).
  • Fires should be built in existing fire pits or fireplaces if provided.
  • Do not build fires in areas marked by a “No Fires” disk.
  • Campfires must be less than 3 feet in height and 4 feet in diameter.
  • Only charcoal or untreated wood can be used as fuel.
  • Build campfires away from overhanging branches, steep slopes, dry leaves and grass, and rotten stumps or logs.
  • Scrape away litter, duff, and any burnable material within a 10 foot diameter circle.
  • Pile extra wood away from the fire.
  • Cutting standing trees is prohibited. Use only dead and down wood for fires.
  • Extinguish all fires with water and stir ashes until they are cold to the touch.
  • View more tips on minimizing campfire impacts on DEC’s YouTube channel (leaves DEC website).

Tips to Leave No Trace

  • Removing plants, rocks, fossils, or artifacts from state lands without a permit is illegal.
  • Observe and enjoy wildlife and plants but do not disturb.
  • Carry out what you carry in.
  • Use pit privies provided near popular camping areas and trailheads. If none are available, dispose of human waste by digging a hole 6″-8″ deep at least 150 feet from water or campsites. Cover with leaves and soil. View a how-to video DEC’s YouTube channel (leaves DEC website).
  • Collect and bury pet waste away from water, trails, and camp sites.
  • Keep your pet under control and restrain it on a leash when others approach.
  • If using soap, make sure you are more than 150 feet from water such as a river or lake.

Additional Rules for the Adirondack and Catskill Preserves

  • Camping is prohibited above an elevation of 4,000 feet in the Adirondacks (except in an emergency).
  • Camping is prohibited above an elevation of 3,500 feet in the Catskills between March 22 and December 20 (except in an emergency).
  • Fires are prohibited above 4,000 feet in the Adirondacks and 3,500 feet in the Catskills (except in an emergency).
  • There are many bears in the Adirondack and Catskill mountains. Learn what to do if you encounter a bear, how to cook and store food at your campsite, and other useful bear-related information on the Black Bears in New York’s Back Country web page.

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