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I spent many summers in Lake George in my childhood, and this was one of my favorite destinations. Prospect Mountain stands an impressive 2030 feet above sea level and provides visitors with a stunning 100-mile view of Lake George and the surrounding area without if they choose to, having to hike to the summit.

Getting to the Top

If you are feeling adventurous, you can hike from the bottom to the summit. The hike is only 3 miles round trip, but its grade is incredibly steep, making this a long 1.5-mile trip to the top and not a good trail for young children.

Not the hiking sort, no worries, you can drive the 5.5 miles of the Veterans Memorial Highway to the parking lot just below the summit.


As you drive up the mountain, there are three scenic vistas along the way (The Narrows, Lake George, and Eagle’s Eye. Each of these lookouts has a unique view of the valley below. The parking lots are all quite large and can accommodate a large number of cars, even at the height of the tourist season in the summer.


Unfortunately, you can’t drive all the way to the summit. There is a large parking lot 155 feet from the top, and guests can either hike the short trail to the summit or take the tram the rest of the way. The tram isn’t always running, so there is a possibility you might still have to him to the top. The view from the top is extraordinary and worth the climb. Visitors can see Vermont’s Green Mountains, New Hampshire’s White Mountains, and New York’s Adirondack High Peaks. The Laurentian Mountains of Canada can sometimes be seen on a super clear day.

At the summit, visitors can see the remains of the Prospect Mountain Cable Incline Railway, a cable car that would bring wealthy visitors to the top of the mountain to the Prospect Mountain House. This hotel was a place to eat and dance. Before the cable rail, guests could take a wagon up to the top or have to walk the trail. In 1895, the incline railroad was completed. The hotel eventually burned down leaving very little evidence that it had ever been there besides the rusted remains of the incline railroad. Fun Fact: At one time the incline railroad at Prospect Mountain was the longest in the world.

Know Before You Go

There is a fee to drive to the Summit

We visited on a Sunday evening in mid-July, and there was no fee to enter. However, the signs everywhere said that the summit closed at 5:30 p.m. I feel like we were there past 5:30, and we didn’t see anyone trying to chase us out.

The highway is open seasonally (May-November)

Enjoy the picnic facilities (including charcoal grills) on the summit but remember that you will have to get your food to the top of the mountain.

Getting to Prospect Mountain

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