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Glen Falls

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Glen Falls Park is a small park located in the town of Williamsville. Although this is just a small park, it is lovely with benches and gardens for visitors to relax in a tranquil setting. The 27-foot cascade of Glen Falls, makes this park a great destination for waterfalls lovers to snap some great pictures and enjoy a truly beautiful park.

Glen Falls

There is an old mill in the park that actually adds to the ambiance. There are multiple places to view the falls. Visitors can walk across the bridge and view the falls from the top of the bridge or get up close in the park. For pictures, the falls are best viewed from within the park.

This park is easily accessible and a great place to come and visit to see a waterfall without having to do a great deal of hiking. The waterfall appears to be quite full and steadily flowing throughout much of the year. We visited in wintertime and it was really spectacular. The park was also dressed up for Christmas, which was a nice added touch.

We recently revisited after a heavy snowfall and the waterfall was really roaring. The path leading down to the falls is steep, and when it is covered in ice and snow it is quite slippery. Use extreme caution when walking here. If possible, use microspikes or Yaktrax.

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The park is open daily from sunrise until 10 pm.

Have you visited this park? What is your favorite waterfall park in Western New York? We would love to hear from you. Please leave us a comment below.

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