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Some of the best times I have had with my children are the days we spend time with animals. This is why animal-packed destinations are some of my favorites to write about. Springdale Farm is not just a fun, animal-filled destination; it is also an educational one.

We had a great time with the farm animals as they happily frolicked and actively engaged with my family. It was fascinating to see the joy on the faces of all the little kids running from barn to barn and enclosure to enclosure. If your children love animals (and let’s face it…they all do.), then Springdale Farm is a must-see destination.

About Springdale Farm

Springdale Farm is a non-profit organization that is owned by Monroe County and operated by the Heritage Christian Services. This working farm is probably one of the best places in the state for children to learn about and interact with farm animals. Springdale Farm’s mission is to teach families about the care and husbandry of farm animals, modern farming practices and there how they affect our lives.

Springdale Farm was established in 1830. This 200-acre farm has provided a family-friendly, educational destination since the 1960s. I myself remember visiting Springdale Farm with my 1st-grade class, and it was a magical experience, and it made a lasting impression. I have enjoyed being able to share this enchanting farm with my own children over the years.

Oodles of Baby Animals

I’m a sucker for baby animals and Springdale Farm is the best place to visit in the spring for an opportunity to see the most adorable babies on the planet. We visited the first weekend in April, and there were already quite a few babies to see, 3 baby sheep and 2 baby goats. The goats were literally born within just an hour or so of our visit.

 Seeing them prance around and hearing their tiny little bleats sent my “adorable meter” off the rail. I’ve never seen anyone melt like my two children. Ever seen 2 teenagers fawn over a baby sheep? It made my day. In the upcoming weeks, several other animals on the farm will be giving birth, as well.

Friendly Farm Animals

I have a weakness of needing to pet animals when I see them. I know this is an impulse that is bound to get me in trouble one day, but fortunately, these animals were more than happy to indulge me. The Animals at Springdale Farm are some of the friendliest animals I have encountered.

They recognized and almost played with the staff that takes care of them. We had a good laugh watching some of the sheep “talking” and running alongside their caregivers. It is very clear that these animals aren’t just very well look after, they are loved and they reciprocate that love. The animals at Springdale Farm radiate happiness.

Robotic Milking Center

Learn about the future of cow milking at the Robotic Milking Center. This fully automatic milking machine is truly state of the art.

If you have the time, this is something you don’t want to miss. It is fascinating to watch the milking machine in action and kids love getting a chance to see the cows up close. (The cows poking their heads out under the machine, like the stars of the show, is pretty cute too.)

The milking system is fully automated and doesn’t require any human interaction. It was amusing to watch the cows herd themselves to the machine to be milked. The milking machine identifies the cows by a transponder in their collar and keeps track of when and how often they are milked. The machine cleans the utters and it also can alert the farm if the cow is suffering from problems with their utters, before proceeding with the milking. The Milking Center is managed by Colby Homestead Farms and collected and disturbed by Upstate Farms.

After viewing the milking, visitors are treated see to an aerial view of the milking facility where the cows live and eat. They can watch the milking from the other side and see the cows waiting patiently for their turn. It is interesting to see the cows go about their daily routine.

There is also a cow maternity area for the cows who are preparing to give birth in the next few weeks. These cows are able to lounge and eat to their heart’s content. It incredible how enormous these cows can get. 

The best part of the tour was, of course, the little calf who lived in the dairy barn. This delightful little guy was a little shy until my husband started taking pictures of him. He was so fascinated with the camera that he had to satisfy his curiosity with some cute, candid close-ups.

Barnyard Animals and Petting Zoo

There are several barns and pastures to view all sorts of different farm animals. Guest can wander around freely from barn to barn and pasture to pasture and see lots of happy animals, who are happy to waltz over and say “hi.”

The petting zoo is open seasonally. It wasn’t open when we visited, but honestly, it felt like the entire complex was one big petting zoo as it was. The animals really welcomed the affection and didn’t seem to mind being petted.

Duck Pond

There is a beautiful duck pond at the farm with ducks and geese that are just as curious and friendly (although I don’t recommend petting them) as every other animal at the Farm. This is a great place to relax and take in the beauty of the farm.

Amazing Staff

I would be remiss if I wrote this without acknowledging the incredible staff at Springdale Farm. I had the fortune to have the best encounter with two staff members who were unbelievably friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful. They had such a great rapport with the animals and my children. They were willing to answer my endless questions with such enthusiasm.

Picnic Facilities

There is a picnic pavilion located adjacent to the parking lot. There are picnic tables provided in the shelter for families to use. There is also a large, modern playground next to the pavilion. This is a great place to set kids loose to blow off a little steam before heading home.


Monday – Saturday 10 am – 4pm, Sunday 12 pm – 4 pm (rain or shine)

Address: 700 Colby Road, Spencerport

Google Map Link

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